“Nine” | 2022
Farzad Golpayegani’s ninth album, “Nine” released on October 14th 2022.
There are 10 tracks in this album, which are mostly progressive metal with Middle Eastern influences, and a few songs closer to acoustic and fusion. Farzad G has explored new guitar technics which are reflected on his riffs and solos. He also has used his innovative acoustic guitar tuning along with electric guitar rhythm which creates his signature Oriental Metal grooves. There are instrumental and also vocal music, and as always, many guitar solos within the songs.
Guitar virtuoso Scott Collins, has features on “Reaching The Horizon” on acoustic guitar. You can find the guitar solo exchange between Farzad and him at 1:34. Their music collaborations backs to 2015 in their fusion and acoustic project Korisoron. To find more about Scott Collins, please visit his official website at:
The album will be in digital format only, and there is no plans to release any physical CDs.
Tracks of this album:
1. Vengeance / 4:12
2. To The Last Breath / 5:43
3. All Along / 6:03
4. Intergalactic Controversy / 5:09
5. No Remorse / 5:55
6. Unleashed / 3:33
7. Constant Misinformation / 6:03
8. Restored Intelligence / 4:11
9. Reaching The Horizon (featuring Scott Collins) / 5:43
10. Unremembered / 4:27
Farzad Golpayegani: Vocals, 7-String Electric Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, 5-String Violin, Ibo Drum, Bass Guitar and Programming
Scott Collins: Acoustic Guitar (Reaching The Horizon)
Music, Arrangement, Mix, Master, Cover Design and Artwork by Farzad Golpayegani
Album is available at: Apple Music, Amazon, Spotify and other digital stores. [Users from Iran please visit Music page in Farsi]
Farzad is an independent artist and he’s not signed to any record label, so please support and only buy the records officially.
“Eight” | 2018
The eighth solo album of Farzad Golpayegani, “Eight” released on October 30th 2018.
Guitar virtuoso, multi-instrumentalist and visual arts artist, Farzad G, brings his musicianship and writing skills together and creates variety of Progressive Metal riffs, sings clean and growl vocals, and exchanges unique solos between electric guitar, acoustic guitar and violin.
High tempo and aggressive grooves along with ambient and fusion atmospheres form a surprising and energetic moments within “Eight”. Alike his first two albums, Farzad G has placed his Metal, Fusion and Acoustic experiments combined and packed together in one release.
Tracks of this album:
1. Bliss / 5:31
2. Obey / 5:33
3. Reclaim / 4:08
4. One Step Closer / 7:29
5. All That I Get / 5:03
6. Evil Genius / 4:48
7. Leave All Behind / 5:17
8. Invincible / 6:42
9. Diverge / 4:30
Farzad Golpayegani: Vocals, 7-String Electric Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, 5-String Violin, Bass Guitar and Programming
Music, Arrangement, Mix, Master, Cover Design and Artwork by Farzad Golpayegani
Album is available at: Apple Music, Amazon, Spotify and other digital stores. [Users from Iran please visit Music page in Farsi]
Farzad is an independent artist and he’s not signed to any record label, so please support and only buy the records officially.
“Seven” | 2016
This is the Seventh record of guitar virtuoso and Visual arts artist Farzad Golpayegani, and his first with Vocals. This Progressive Metal album presents a combination of unique shredding on 7-string electric guitar over modern and heavy guitar riffs, stunning bass Guitar and a touch of orchestral arrangement in the background.
Tracks of this album:
1. Drowns with me / 6:43
2. Mesmerized hero / 8:17
3. Off my head / 6:59
4. Bring you pain / 4:31
5. The Path / 7:33
6. Awake to dream / 7:55
7. In vain / 5:48
8. Killing me is killing you / 5:59
Farzad Golpayegani: Vocals, Electric and Acoustic Guitars, Electric Violin
Ali Sanaei: Bass Guitar
Music, Arrangement, Mix, Mastering and Artwork by Farzad Golpayegani
Many thanks to Sanaz Ainechi for all her supports.
Thanks to Ali Sanaei for sharing his talent and amazing work on Bass Guitar.
Album will be available at: Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon, and other digital stores on July 22nd.
Farzad is an independent artist and he’s not signed to any record label, so please support and only buy the records officially.
“Six” | 2012
Album “Six” (May 2012) by Farzad Golpayegani, Persian composer, musician and visual arts artist is based on the soundtracks he has composed for video games “Quest of Persia: Nader’s Blade” and “Garshasp”.
Tracks of this album include reworked pieces for Intro, Themes, Trailer and Credits of the games. All electric guitar solo parts (instead of track “94”) are added in album version.
The album includes 16 tracks with Orchestral Metal theme.
Tracks of this album: “85”, “86”, “87”, “88”, “89”, “90”, “91”, “92”, “93”, “94”, “95”, “96”, “97”, “98”, “99” and “100”.
Album is available at: Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon, Google Play, and other digital stores.
Farzad is an independent artist and he’s not signed to any record label, so please support and only buy the records officially.
“Five” | 2011
“Five” is the fifth full album by Persian composer, musician and visual arts artist Farzad Golpayegani. Five released in June 2011.
This album is not a heavy or metal record (nor was “Four”), this time he is getting Electronic Music involved and tries to achieve an easy listening kind of music, but at the same time the technical playing goes on; this album includes the most complicated and extreme solos on 7-string electric guitar in comparison to previous records.
Like most of his previous records, “Five” is a self-released album and is totally produced by the artist himself.
Farzad would like dedicate the album to his loving mother “Farideh” also many thanks goes to Parsa Golpayegani, Yusuf Ozmenekse and all other friends for their support.
Tracks of this record: “Intro”, “77”, “78”, “79”, “80”, “81”, “82”, “83” and “84”
Album is available at: Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon, and other digital stores.
Farzad is an independent artist and he’s not signed to any record label, so please support and only buy the records officially.
“Four” | 2010
Farzad’s forth record “Four” released on January 2010.
Unlike previous records of Farzad this one is not in Metal genre. In entire album there is no Electric Guitar, Drums and even Percussion. Composition of the instruments includes: Steel and Nylon Acoustic Guitar, Resonance Guitar, Bass Guitar and Violin. Other elements of this “Fusion” album are influences of Iranian and Middle Eastern music and eastern tuning for Acoustic Guitars.
Farzad has played all the instruments and on last two tracks “Ali Sanaei” has featured on Bass Guitar.
Tracks of this record: “59”, “60”, “61”, “64”, “65”, “69”, “71”, “73”, “74” and “75”
Album is available at: Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon, and other digital stores.
Farzad is an independent artist and he’s not signed to any record label, so please support and only buy the records officially.
“Three” | 2008
Finally after 3 years Farzad Golpayegani’s new record “Three” finished in Jan 2008. This is an Iranian Progressive Metal album and it includes only 3 tracks that are about 17 to 18 min. each.
Electric, Acoustic and Bass guitars, vocals and programming for drums and keyboards are done by Farzad. Also “Arash Jafari” has played Kooze, Darbuka and Daf. Like previous albums Farzad has done recording, mix, mastering and has designed the cover.
This album is a medley of various themes with obvious influence of Iranian and Middle Eastern music.
Tracks of this album are: “14”, “39” and “47”. Also there is one hidden track in this record which is a cover from some rock and metal songs including: Paranoid (Black Sabbath), Fire (Jimmy Hendrix), Speed King (Deep Purple), Fits like a glove (Kiss), War Ensemble (Slayer), Damage, Inc. (Metallica), Birth of Tension (Overkill), Desperate Cry (Sepultura), Holy Wars (Megadeth), Cowboys From Hell (Pantera).
Album is available at: Apple Music, Amazon, Spotify, and other digital stores.
Farzad is an independent artist and he’s not signed to any record label, so please support and only buy the records officially.
“Two” | 2005
The second album of Farzad (Two) was going to be released by Bam Ahang Co. in May 2005 (only in Iran) but its license interned by relative ministry and it’s releasing from August 2006.
This album includes 11 tracks. Like the previous one, this album is an Instrumental Fusion-Metal and it’s is totally done by Farzad, and in two tracks “Kaveh Hamedanian” has played Cello.
Because the delay of releasing previous album , “Two” was produced between 2004 and 2005.
Album is available at: Apple Music, Amazon, Spotify, and other digital stores.
Farzad is an independent artist and he’s not signed to any record label, so please support and only buy the records officially.
“One” | 2002
The first album of Farzad Golpayegani “ONE” (2002) is an Instrumental Fusion-Metal album. Farzad has composed, performed, recorded, mastered and even has designed album cover all by himself.
He personally has played 7-string electric guitar, Acoustic guitar and Bass guitar and for the percussion instruments, he has composed the notes by computer programming. No Eastern or Persian instrument is used in entire record and all the eastern sounds and melodies are simulated and played with Acoustic guitar in an innovated tuning.
Name of the tracks are the numbers in song writer’s track-list. The reason is the importance of Instrumental music and musical concept against understanding under track name’s influence.
Although there are many difficulties for Rock and Metal Music in Iran, this album succeeded to be the first licensed album in this genre in Islamic Republic of Iran in 2002. But it faced many problems for distribution and had two years of latency and finally was released in 2004. After a while because of Rock music being banned by the authorities in Iran the MP3 version of album was officially distributed free to download at Farzad’s official website.
Album is available at: Apple Music, Amazon, Spotify, and other digital stores.
Farzad is an independent artist and he’s not signed to any record label, so please support and only buy the records officially.
“I See Beyond My Eyes” feat. Jesse Bisceglia | 2019

This is an energetic and inspirational single by Farzad Golpayegani, featuring Jesse Bisceglia on vocals. Funky bass groove, modern guitar solo, and a motivational rap vocal brings a unique composition to this track!
Farzad Golpayegani: Vocals, 7-String Electric Guitar, Bass Guitar and Programming
Jesse Bisceglia: Vocals
Music, Arrangement, Mix, Master, and Artwork by Farzad Golpayegani
Album is available at: Apple Music, Amazon, Spotify and other digital stores. [Users from Iran please visit Music page in Farsi]
Farzad is an independent artist and he’s not signed to any record label, so please support and only buy the records officially.
Iranian Fusion Metal Improvisation | 2007
Some improvisation jam sessions, in the Iranian Fusion Metal genre, gave the band motivation and curiosity for keeping the record of this improvisation experiences as a live recording. In the last days of may 2007, The band members including: Farzad Golpayegani (Electric Guitar), Soheil Danesh Eshraghi (Vocals), Edward Wastnidge (Drums), Arash Jafari (Kooze/Darbuka/Daf) and Ali Sanaei (Bass Guitar) did the first trial of live recording. One of the goals of this project was to finalize the results as an album to release but the lack of suitable conditions and facilities for recording affected the quality of the recording so this project might be redone in the future.
Demo tracks from one of the sessions:
[An instrumental acoustic trio (Scott Collins: guitar, Farzad Golpayegani: guitar, and Dean Mirabito: percussion) that combines rock and progressive influences with musical traditions from across the globe.]
“Triad” | 2017
Korisoron’s second EP – TRIAD – was released in February of 2017. It was recorded, mixed and mastered by John Chiara at Albany Audio Associates. It’s available on bandcamp here.
“A / Live” | 2016
Korisoron’s first EP – A /Live – is a live recording on November 15th 2015 that was recorded, mixed and mastered by John Chiara at Albany Audio Associates. It’s available on bandcamp here.
Quicksilver Night – Existential (feat. Farzad Golpayegani and Hadi Kiani)
Quicksilver Night – The Galactic Edge (feat. Farzad Golpayegani)
Quicksilver Night – Hephaestus the Cuckold (feat. Farzad Golpayegani)
Quicksilver Night – The Juggernaut Caprice (feat. Farzad Golpayegani)
Quicksilver Night – Symmetry (feat. Jon Boylan and Farzad Golpayegani)
Quicksilver Night – The Symmetry Overture (feat. Farzad Golpayegani)
Ahoora – Alien (feat. Farzad Golpayegani)
Ahoora – Out of the Past (feat. Farzad Golpayegani)
Farzad Golpayegani composed music for an Audiobook by “Kourosh Beigpour”. This audiobook which is narrated by the author is released by H&S Media.
Here is a sample of an orchestral part for the 4th chapter:
A sample from the 5th chapter:
Kourosh Beigpour’s official website:
June 2011
Farzad Golpayegani composed music for “Woman, Dream, Nightmare” performance by Soroosh Milanizadeh in Mohsen Art Gallery in Tehran/Iran.Performance, or “Moving Frames” as it is called by Milanizadeh, was performed starring Baran Kosari, Negar Javaherian and Mona Shah.
Find reportage of the performance at this link.
May 2011
Farzad composed music for “The last cottage” a short movie by Soroosh Milanizadeh.
- Director: Soroosh Milanizadeh
- Screenwriter: Maryam Ghofrani
- Photography: Soroosh Milanizadeh
- Editor: Mojtaba Hatamifar
- Music: Farzad Golpayegani
- Set & Costume Design: Hamid Poorazari
- Sound: Saeed Samsam
- Cast: Ali Sarabi
- Time: 12 min
Watch the trailer here at YouTube.
June 2009
“Quest of Persia: Nader’s Blade” video game from “Puya Arts Software Inc.” with Farzad Golpayegani as composer released on July 2009 in Iran.These “Game Soundtracks” include pieces for Intro, themes, Trailer and Credits.
This game is rated +18 and has been available only in Iran so far.
Receive “Nader’s Blade” official trailer from here.
For more information about the game please refer to